2011-08-20 - Comus Run 5k XC


~3.1 miles @ ~8.7 min/mi

The great game continues: "Meet at Drop Zone X-Ray at 4:31pm," Caren Jew proposes. "OK," I reply, "but not too much before 4:25 please!" Of course, when I arrive at 4:19 Caren is already there, with her daughter Jenna. I ride in their car out to the MCRRC Comus Run, a ~5k cross-country race in the rolling hills of northern Montgomery County. Mical Honigfort and her cute son Erik are there; Mical glows, great with child, due in a few more weeks. Ken Swab, Emaad Burki, Mark McKennett, and others visit with us before the start. I push hard and finish in 27:26, about thirty seconds slower than last year. Thanks to the Bachman family there's free ice cream (and beer, though we don't partake of it) at the finish line. Bravo!

(official result: 60th place overall, 53/83 men, 6/12 men 55-59; cf. GPS trackfile, ...) - ^z - 2011-08-30